Tick: 646

200:17 200:19
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
71 up 74 down 71 up 75 stay 200:18 2 up 141 up 13,264 up 132,581 up 0 stay 12 14
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
576 stay 577 stay 577 stay 577 up 200:18:1 Orblets OF Vorbian Ter 51 stay 38,100 stay 38,100 stay 0 stay
553 stay 555 up 554 up 578 down 200:18:2 DEEGL OF Youtopia Etd 90 stay 94,481 up 94,481 up 0 stay
stats ranks