Tick: 277

200:4 200:6
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
59 down 61 down 56 down 61 down 200:5 3 stay 33 stay 11,034 up 113,258 up 0 stay 0 2
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
529 down 507 stay 506 stay 520 down 200:5:1 tearZ OF Joy Etd 3 stay 48,307 stay 48,307 stay 0 stay
533 down 508 stay 508 down 521 down 200:5:2 Jannis OF verbygdsvegen Zik 0 stay 48,031 stay 48,031 stay 0 stay
506 down 521 down 521 down 522 down 200:5:3 Couchbox OF Lilah 4 Ter 30 stay 16,920 up 16,920 up 0 stay
stats ranks