Tick: 276

200:5 200:7
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
60 down 65 stay 61 down 62 down 200:6 2 stay 24 stay 4,101 up 61,713 up 0 stay 1 2
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
509 stay 502 stay 499 stay 522 stay 200:6:2 Eugene Dingleberry OF Assyrian Empire Etd 24 stay 55,535 up 55,535 up 0 stay
533 stay 532 stay 532 stay 523 stay 200:6:3 abc OF Abc Kin 0 stay 6,178 stay 6,178 stay 0 stay
stats ranks