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Tick: 1058

3:6 3:8
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
3 down 11 down 3 stay 40 stay 3:7 12 stay 20,954 up 61,702,046 up 53,765,428 up 135,318 up 146 308
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
45 down 85 stay 47 up 340 down 3:7:1 Jerk OF Material Ter 2,464 stay 6,443,552 up 5,710,652 up 12,215 up
266 down 158 up 101 up 287 up 3:7:2 Invisible OF Friend Xan 866 down 5,824,376 up 4,864,976 up 15,990 up
13 down 18 stay 15 stay 325 up 3:7:3 Another OF Round Cat 3,626 up 7,998,607 up 7,194,127 up 13,408 up
142 down 188 down 115 down 311 down 3:7:4 The lord OF the branch Zik 1,363 stay 5,579,056 up 4,720,396 up 14,311 up
32 down 36 down 30 down 309 down 3:7:5 Pt OF Pt land Cat 2,798 stay 7,083,415 up 6,216,775 up 14,444 up
422 up 357 down 358 down 299 down 3:7:6 sku OF sku Xan 443 stay 3,608,465 up 2,689,565 up 15,315 up
25 down 32 stay 25 down 320 up 3:7:7 Rubi OF Zin Ter 3,002 up 7,241,580 up 6,420,540 up 13,684 up
446 up 451 stay 440 stay 453 up 3:7:8 abc OF Abc Kin 384 stay 1,700,827 up 1,632,547 up 1,138 up
7 up 9 up 8 down 349 down 3:7:9 Pi OF Ar Ter 4,016 up 9,244,857 up 8,557,317 up 11,459 up
248 up 245 up 155 up 290 up 3:7:10 Ta OF Tlhlngan Xan 903 up 5,177,742 up 4,235,742 up 15,700 up
366 up 448 up 450 up 391 down 3:7:11 I love OF Alex and Knoid Zik 594 stay 1,747,050 up 1,303,950 up 7,385 stay
403 up 490 down 490 down 483 down 3:7:12 Dustyvld OF Vlaardingen Ter 495 stay 234,981 up 218,841 up 269 stay
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