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Tick: 825

3:6 3:8
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
46 stay 26 stay 32 stay 20 stay 3:7 8 stay 6,523 stay 29,389,845 up 20,348,880 up 154,128 up 166 226
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
54 stay 70 down 49 stay 189 down 3:7:2 Risk OF SQUID GAMES Xan 1,692 stay 4,571,036 up 3,533,576 up 17,291 stay
413 stay 156 down 267 stay 53 down 3:7:3 Ragnar Thunderfist OF Fenrir Cat 498 stay 4,084,643 up 2,353,883 up 28,846 up
241 down 158 down 144 down 147 stay 3:7:4 Beauty is in the eye OF the beerholder Etd 882 stay 4,074,612 up 2,912,232 up 19,373 stay
311 down 301 stay 234 down 302 down 3:7:5 The Moron OF All Morons Etd 739 stay 3,251,920 up 2,492,680 up 12,654 stay
115 down 222 stay 286 down 97 stay 3:7:6 Bile OF Titan Xan 1,329 stay 3,710,563 up 2,291,203 up 23,656 stay
411 stay 241 down 107 down 377 stay 3:7:7 Klo OF vorming Etd 499 stay 3,613,469 up 3,087,869 up 8,760 stay
470 stay 447 stay 442 stay 442 stay 3:7:8 D3st OF Edmonton Xan 312 stay 1,410,917 up 1,268,537 up 2,373 up
377 down 37 down 256 down 17 up 3:7:9 ChronoX OF Night Owl Cat 572 stay 4,879,400 up 2,408,900 up 41,175 up
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