Birthdays today

Tick: 2454

3:6 3:8
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
32 up 27 stay 27 stay 31 down 3:7 9 stay 55,501 stay 446,423,583 up 430,548,023 up 266,057 stay 204 356
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
403 up 245 down 234 down 365 up 3:7:1 Emperor Penguins OF the Dion Islands Etd 4,501 stay 43,918,064 up 43,124,264 up 13,230 stay
307 up 207 up 202 stay 364 up 3:7:2 This one time OF At Bandcamp Etd 5,433 stay 46,482,885 up 45,685,065 up 13,297 stay
87 up 256 up 259 up 218 down 3:7:3 Centi OF Measurement Etd 13,045 stay 42,883,715 up 40,928,075 up 32,594 stay
512 up 190 down 209 down 52 down 3:7:4 Jonas made me OF signup again Etd 2,649 stay 49,917,842 up 44,948,702 up 82,819 stay
326 up 223 down 213 down 320 up 3:7:5 Lynx OF Hjf Etd 5,240 stay 45,629,208 up 44,535,468 up 18,229 stay
320 up 217 up 208 up 386 up 3:7:6 Gary OF Girls Club Xan 5,309 stay 45,746,481 up 45,075,501 up 11,183 stay
154 up 124 stay 126 down 125 down 3:7:8 Naruto OF Konoha Ter 8,229 stay 65,774,106 up 62,835,006 up 48,985 stay
264 up 200 stay 192 down 389 up 3:7:9 Kappy OF Baal Xan 5,918 stay 47,901,139 up 47,285,059 up 10,268 stay
332 up 146 stay 147 stay 202 down 3:7:10 Evil OF Scotsman Kin 5,177 stay 58,258,003 up 56,130,883 up 35,452 stay
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