Tick: 276

5:2 5:4
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
2 stay 11 up 10 up 15 up 5:3 12 stay 6,112 up 7,757,566 up 6,628,695 up 26,731 up 54 99
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
184 down 340 down 255 up 405 down 5:3:1 Space OF H0RSE Zik 435 stay 570,337 up 540,517 up 497 stay
2 up 5 stay 9 up 12 up 5:3:2 Spice World OF Eat More Garlic Zik 1,067 up 1,142,180 up 844,220 up 4,966 up
279 down 211 down 155 down 297 up 5:3:3 ICE CUBE OF N W A Etd 337 stay 696,241 up 604,981 up 1,521 up
87 down 153 down 102 down 260 up 5:3:4 ULTIMATENEWBIE OF INDONESIAN PIRATES Zik 535 stay 762,980 up 652,760 up 1,837 up
1 up 9 up 17 up 11 up 5:3:5 Wormwood Coming OF April 2029 Repent Kin 1,086 up 1,095,983 up 790,223 up 5,096 up
164 down 118 up 126 up 140 up 5:3:6 Joseph OF Apprime Xan 449 stay 792,446 up 624,806 up 2,794 up
32 down 66 down 67 down 135 stay 5:3:7 Tallorkecil OF Pukibesar Kin 633 stay 855,717 up 684,537 up 2,853 up
174 down 277 up 342 up 110 down 5:3:8 SECRET ESSENCE OF FINNISH HAPPINESS Ter 442 stay 640,643 up 458,783 up 3,031 stay
433 down 320 up 265 up 354 down 5:3:9 The Secret Life OF A Planetarion Junkie Kin 200 stay 598,046 up 535,766 up 1,038 stay
185 up 304 up 334 up 190 stay 5:3:10 Another round OF Verbal diarrhea Kin 431 up 612,786 up 473,166 up 2,327 up
359 down 421 stay 413 down 398 down 5:3:11 Deathforge Tyrant OF Hellstorm Citade Ter 275 stay 373,972 up 339,052 up 582 stay
416 down 491 up 492 stay 455 stay 5:3:12 Razer OF Sharp Zik 222 stay 91,224 up 79,884 up 189 stay
stats ranks