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Tick: 833

5:5 5:7
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
50 up 47 up 48 up 50 up 5:6 8 stay 5,735 up 21,190,442 up 16,438,743 up 80,833 up 96 183
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
348 down 266 down 130 down 383 up 5:6:1 Mumu OF Omega Etd 648 stay 3,539,494 up 3,017,794 up 8,695 up
243 down 417 up 444 up 255 down 5:6:2 jose116 OF Noclueofeverything Kin 899 stay 2,192,930 up 1,264,250 up 15,478 up
497 stay 527 stay 527 stay 510 up 5:6:3 The Smartest OF PotatoBannana Xan 120 stay 75,973 up 75,973 up 0 stay
195 down 373 up 365 up 306 down 5:6:4 Ca3lis OF Cause Etd 1,042 stay 2,802,685 up 2,003,365 up 13,322 up
41 up 133 up 58 up 286 up 5:6:5 Dunder OF Miflin Xan 1,832 up 4,323,354 up 3,491,454 up 13,865 up
440 down 224 down 285 down 98 down 5:6:6 Feydrauter OF Zahadum Kin 449 down 3,793,638 up 2,318,778 down 24,581 up
488 up 444 stay 430 down 482 stay 5:6:8 beward OF lazy Ter 175 stay 1,464,925 up 1,453,465 up 191 stay
387 up 346 up 169 up 424 stay 5:6:9 Dave the Def OF Def Planet Dave Kin 570 up 3,095,724 up 2,813,664 up 4,701 up
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