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Tick: 1058

5:5 5:7
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
22 stay 26 up 23 stay 32 stay 5:6 12 stay 12,021 up 49,079,828 up 39,339,366 up 170,794 up 121 284
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
397 up 284 down 294 down 137 down 5:6:1 123 OF 456 Kin 501 stay 4,739,455 up 3,196,435 up 25,717 stay
236 up 259 down 211 down 214 down 5:6:2 CoPilot OF Chaos Zik 939 stay 5,049,180 up 3,827,700 up 20,358 up
476 down 304 down 334 down 163 down 5:6:3 BGLame OF Bulgaria Kin 281 stay 4,385,961 up 2,938,461 up 24,125 stay
124 down 83 down 69 up 236 down 5:6:4 Wrench OF Hard Realities Ter 1,485 stay 6,482,857 up 5,344,837 up 18,967 up
458 down 168 up 151 up 170 down 5:6:5 Twisted Dreams OF Nine Hells Kin 336 down 5,715,835 up 4,284,295 up 23,859 stay
491 down 416 down 367 down 460 down 5:6:6 Crap OF Game Kin 195 stay 2,666,410 up 2,613,130 up 888 up
101 up 156 up 123 up 216 up 5:6:7 Admiral Thawn OF Empire Zik 1,651 up 5,835,815 up 4,615,775 up 20,334 up
332 up 434 stay 411 up 444 down 5:6:8 Demort OF Carisan Prime Ter 668 stay 2,185,789 up 2,074,489 up 1,855 stay
214 up 374 up 356 up 345 down 5:6:9 Black Archaeologist OF Roid Digger Zik 1,010 up 3,399,627 up 2,696,667 up 11,716 stay
3 up 13 up 16 up 181 down 5:6:10 DREAD PIRATE ROBERTS OF THE PRINCESS BRIDE Etd 4,322 up 8,497,587 up 7,142,607 up 22,583 up
507 down 498 stay 496 up 502 down 5:6:11 Bemused OF Sypharas Abyss Ter 132 stay 187,027 up 186,727 up 5 stay
398 up 480 stay 479 stay 474 down 5:6:12 Vicsgarage71 OF Mopariaum Xan 501 stay 441,463 up 418,243 up 387 stay
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